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Roof Maintenance

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Roofs are one of the most important aspects of your home. A roof protects you and your family from the elements, but it also provides an aesthetic topper for your house. Roof maintenance is critical in ensuring that your roof lasts as long as possible, which will save you money in repairs down the road.

What is roof maintenance?

Roof maintenance is the proactive care and upkeep of your roof to keep it in good shape. This includes inspecting roofs for any visible problems, checking the roof for loose or missing shingles, checking the roof for loose or missing shingles, gutter cleaning, repair, and replacement if needed.

All gutters must be working correctly as they help direct water from a downspout into an underground drain system away from your home’s foundation.

Benefits of regular roof maintenance

One of the most apparent benefits of having regular maintenance performed on your home’s essential components, such as the siding and windows, is extending their overall life expectancy, which translates to saving you money over time rather than repairing expensive materials every few years.

When is roof maintenance not advised?

There are situations when roof maintenance is not advised.

In some cases, roof damage from a specific cause, such as rain or hail, can be extensive and require replacing more than just the damaged shingles. Instead, an entire section of your home’s exterior wall may include sheathing, insulation siding materials, and possibly even structural beams.

What is involved in roof maintenance?

Inspecting roofs for any visible problems

We will use binoculars and a special magnifying device to help us see every detail of your roof’s exterior nooks and crannies.

Gutter cleaning and repair, replacement, or installation if needed

Since gutters play such an essential role in protecting your house from water damage, we want to make sure that they are performing optimally at all times.

Checking the roof for any loose or missing shingles

We will use binoculars, as well as our hands, to feel around the entire perimeter of your home, inspecting each tile for damage.

Moss removal from roofing shingles

We want to not only protect your roof but also make it look as great as possible.

Roof cleaning

A clean home is a happy home! You will be able to enjoy all of the benefits that come with having a sparkling new slate, tile, or metal roof. This includes reduced energy costs and enhanced curb appeal for you and your neighbors alike.

Frequently asked questions

How often should I have my roof inspected?

Every two to three years, you will want to come to see us again to inspect your home’s exterior for possible damage or needed repairs. No matter what type of material your house has been built from, it is vital that you maintain the integrity of its structure to protect yourself and those around you from harm. If anything looks like it needs a little TLC, then we are there for you immediately. Our technicians know how critical timeliness is when addressing these issues, so they work quickly but efficiently every time!

How do I prolong the life of my roof?

The best way to make sure your home has a stable roof structure is by hiring professionals who know exactly what needs to happen for any issues with roofs. A qualified contractor can even help ensure that work done during construction lasts as long as possible!

How do you maintain a roof?

We can do roof maintenance by checking for loose or missing shingles, checking the roof for any visible problems, and gutter cleaning.

How often should I clean my chimney?

If you have a wood-burning fireplace, then it is recommended that your chimney be cleaned every year. If you use gas logs, the frequency will depend on how often they are used and what type of gas was put in them.

What do you inspect?

We inspect everything visible on your roof. This includes checking for any problems with the underlayment, flashing, skylights, chimneys, and more!

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